Medical Assistant Training Program

Medical assistant training program can be expensive most times. Medical assistance is a really good job that is growing in the healthcare field. This is because there are more people needing medical assistants as the number of baby boomers increases.

Beginning a career as a medical assistant is simple and doesn’t require much. You don’t need a degree to be a medical assistant, just a high school diploma or GED.

Employers really like medical assistants once they become certified. To accomplish this, they can start by selecting and finishing a program to become a medical assistant. After that, they need to pass a test to become certified.

There are different programs for medical assistants based on where they are, how they are taught, how much they cost, and other factors.

Keep reading to learn about the least expensive medical assistant training programs that you can do online or in person. We will help you figure out which one is the best match for you.

Read: 4 Steps To Become A Certified Medical Assistant

Affordable Medical Assistant Program

There are many choices for medical assistant training programs. This allows people to pick the program that works best for them.

There are a few choices you can pick from like online classes, certificates from community colleges, associate degrees, and training you get while working.

The price of medical assistant programs can change a lot depending on the type of program, where it is, and other specific factors for each program.

Let’s check out some of the least expensive programs to train as a medical assistant.

Medical Assistant Training Program Online

The best choice for medical assistant training is online programs because they offer many benefits.

The advantages are finishing your training quicker, in just 4 to 6 months; saving a lot of money; chance to work in real-world settings after completing the course; and being able to learn at your own speed and when it’s convenient for you.

There are a lot of medical assistant training programs available online and in local areas. However, we believe that Preppy could be the best choice for you.

Accredited Courses:

Preppy’s program works with a trusted Accredited University to make sure students receive excellent education.

University Certificate:

When you finish, the Accredited University gives you a Certificate of Completion. This helps your resume look better and makes employers impressed.

Extremely Affordable:

Preppy offers one of the most affordable medical assistant programs, saving you from student loans and financial stress.

Totally Online and Self-Paced:

Take advantage of adaptable online classes that fit your plan, permitting you to memorize at your claim pace.

Certification Exams Preparation:

Preppy gives you thorough training that helps you get ready for national certification exams, giving you an advantage over others.

Speedy Completion:

Finish your training in just 4 months, get certified, and begin your career more quickly.

Externship Opportunities:

Get real-life experience by doing internships where you can use your skills.

Free Laptop:

Sign up and get a free laptop that you can keep to help you in your learning.

Stanly Community College

Stanly Community College has many different programs for students to earn associate degrees.

To apply for the program, you need to have a GED or high school diploma. You also need to have finished basic English and Math courses or pass a test to prove your knowledge in those subjects. Stanly Community College offers a great chance for people who want to earn an associate degree in their chosen area of study.

  • Place – North Carolina
  • The cost for in-state students is $1368 and for out-of-state students is $4824.
  • This text means that there are two types of programs: certificate programs and associate degree programs.
  • Length of time is 6 months to 2 years.
  • The certificate available is for a Certified Medical Assistant (CMA)

U.S. Career Institute

The US Career Institute offers an online course for medical assistants that you can complete at your own pace and within your own schedule. The course can be done in 4 months, but most students take 6 to 10 months to finish it.

The course has a good pass rate of 92% on exams. It teaches many different topics, such as basic medicine knowledge and how to do common tasks in the front office.

  • Place: Online The event will take place on the internet. You can participate from the comfort of your own home or wherever you have internet access.
  • The cost ranges from $1239 to $1568.
  • The time period is between 4 and 10 months.
  • This certificate is called Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) or Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA).

Community College of Philadelphia

Community College of Philadelphia offers an online medical assisting program that is flexible and made to fit the schedules of students. This program lets people join and start learning whenever they want.

Students can learn at their own pace using video lectures, online quizzes, and lessons that they can do whenever they want. The online format allows people to have more freedom and manage their studies alongside other responsibilities.

  • Place – Online
  • The cost is $2599.
  • Program Type – Certificate.
  • The task must be finished in 6 months.
  • This certificate is for people who want to become a Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA)

San Francisco State University

San Francisco State University has a program that teaches students how to help doctors in a medical office. The program gives students the skills and knowledge they need to do basic assessments and other tasks in the office.

Students learn about medical assisting through both classroom lessons and hands-on experience, which helps them build a solid knowledge base in this field.

The courses offered at San Francisco State University cover many different subjects related to medical assisting. Students can learn important skills like drawing blood and interpreting heart activity through electrocardiograms.

  • Place – The classes are either online or a mix of online and in-person at San Francisco University (hybrid).
  • The price is $2599.
  • Type of Program – Certificate
  • The amount of time it will take is between 3 and 6 months.
  • This certificate is called the Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA)

Pima Community College

Pima Community College has a program to earn a certificate in medical assisting. This program teaches both the work that is done in the front office and how to care for patients directly. The program is made to help students learn everything they need to know to do well in the medical assisting field.

During the program, students can learn about different subjects like the human body, medicines, and how to run an office. These courses teach important subjects that are necessary to understand how the human body works, give medication, and do office work in a healthcare place.

  • The place is Tucson, Arizona.
  • The cost for students who live in the same state is $2403, while for students who live in a different state it is $8383.
  • Program Type – Certificate
  • Duration: 1 year
  • This certificate is called Certified Medical Assistant (CMA)

Medical Assistant Program: How To Choose For Yourself

When you are looking at different medical assisting programs, it’s important to think about what is important to you and how you learn best.

Choosing the right program is an important decision, and thinking about different things can help you make a smart choice. Consider:


Before you decide to join a program, it is crucial to know exactly how much money you will need to pay for everything. Some programs have extra costs that might not be mentioned, expensive books to buy, or need extra things to get.

Also, it is a good idea to ask about any scholarships or federal Pell Grants that you might be eligible for to help pay for your education.

Some programs might allow you to pay in installments, but make sure to ask about any extra charges or fees that might be involved.


Choosing shorter programs can help you become a medical assistant faster by allowing you to start working sooner.

However, it is important to realize that these programs usually have a lot of information to learn, so you will need to study full-time until you finish your training.

If you have family responsibilities or a job while you are in school, it might be a good idea to think about joining a longer part-time program. This approach helps you balance between your studies, work, and family.

Pass Rate

Before you decide, it’s a good idea to ask your school counselor or program director about how many people pass the certification exam. The rate at which people pass certification exams, like the CMA, can be different depending on the school or program they are in. On average, about 65% of people pass the CMA exam.

If a certain program does not have a good percentage of students passing compared to the whole country, you should consider looking into other program options. A higher passing rate usually means that the program helps students get ready for the certification exam, making it more likely for them to pass.

Certification Type

There are many different certificates for medical assisting. Most employers will accept any certificate, but it’s important to choose one that matches your career goals and interests.

For example, if you like a job where you help patients directly and do medical tasks, getting a CCMA certification would be a good choice.

If you prefer to do administrative work in a medical office, getting a certification as a Medical Administrative Assistant might be a better choice for you.

Online and Physical Classes

Both online and physical classes for medical assisting have their pros and cons. Online classes offer more flexibility in terms of when you can study and the places you can study from as long as you have an internet connection.

They are great for people who want to learn independently and at their own pace.

However, online courses usually require more motivation, discipline, and independent learning ability. Students who are taking classes online might not have many chances to practice using their hands or to talk directly with their teachers or classmates.

On the other hand, attending classes physically provides an organized learning setting where you have specific class times and interact directly with your classmates and teachers.

They offer more chances to try things out yourself, get feedback right away, and ask questions to teachers and other students.

Face-to-face classes are good for people who like learning in a regular classroom, want guidance from teachers and classmates, and prefer structured learning. However, they may need more time and have less flexibility in their schedule.

Being Accredited

It’s important to make sure the medical assisting program you select is approved. Accreditation means that the school or program has been thoroughly reviewed by experts and meets certain education standards.

Approved programs usually offer good education and follow accepted industry rules. When you choose an accredited program, you can have trust in the program’s classes, teachers’ qualifications, help for students, and overall educational experience.

Medical Assistant Certificate: Which Is The Best?

All medical assistant certifications are seen as equally valid, except they may have slightly different requirements to qualify. You can pick the one that suits your career goals the most.

The CCMA, CMA, and RMA certifications are the three most popular and recognized certifications for medical assistants.

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