According to the National Science Foundation, the U.S. has an overall college graduation rate of just 53 percent, which is less than half the national average. But the number of students who finish high school can also be very different across states and even districts.
That’s because there are a variety of factors that play into a person’s chances of graduating from high school. From test scores to course load, each student has a unique chance at success. And when it comes to choosing a university for your future career, you have several options.
No matter where you live or from what state you’re from, there are many HBCUs in America that provide great opportunities for learning and experiencing new things. In this list, we highlight some of the top HBCUs in America and discuss why you should consider attending one if you live in one of these eight US states: Florida, Georgia , Michigan , Pennsylvania, New Jersey , Ohio , South Dakota , Texas.
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8 HBCUs In America
Florida State University
Founded in 1964, Florida State University is one of the top HBCUs in the country. The university has a large culture, with live-action and live-study programs available in 40 different languages, and a complete range of degrees to choose from.
FSU has a dual land-based presence in Tallahassee (the capital) and Orlando (the largest city). It also offers classes in Miami and Orlando, as well as classes in other nearby areas. Florida State has consistently been one of the top HBCUs when it comes to choosing a school for your future career.
The university has excellent reviews on review sites, with an average of 3.5 stars out of 4 reviews, so it’s not surprising that it’s one of the most popular choices among high schoolers. As a private university, you’re probably better off if you choose FSU because the cost of attendance is significantly less than other public universities. list of official FSU courses
Georgia Tech
The alma mater of former Vice President Joe Biden, Georgia Tech is also known as the “University of Technology, Atlanta.” The school was founded in 1976 as a branch of the University of Georgia and has seen significant growth ever since.
In all, Georgia Tech has seen growth from around 30,000 students over the past 40 years, making it the largest university in the state of Georgia. The number of students has grown at a healthy pace over the years, with around a third of them seeing an increase in the past five years.
The average age of a Georgia Tech student is just 26 years old, which is younger than the average age for college students in general. But there’s no question that the school has seen an increase in popularity over the years, as more and more students are choosing to attend the school.
The state of Georgia has also seen an increase in Georgia Tech students, with an average of 36 percent of the state’s population now identifying as Tech-affiliated. There are more than 100 colleges and Universities in the state of Georgia, and many of them are also members of the University of Technology, Atlanta.
Michigan State University
Known for its strong academic reputation, Michigan State University also has a heavy cultural aspect to it. The school has seen an increase in popularity in recent years, as more and more people are choosing to attend the school.
The average age of a Michigan State student is now 37 years old, which is also younger than the general U.S. average of about 37.6 years old. It’s not just the students who are looking more to Michigan State for guidance—it’s also the media, as more and more people are choosing to follow a news source like Facebook or Twitter.
“We’re seeing an increase in interest in social media, especially on college campuses,” said Michigan State spokesman Nathan Fink. “We’re seeing more and more people engaging in communication via social media.”
The school also offers a variety of programs for students to choose from, including a full-time distance learning program, which offers students the option to study anywhere in the world, for any number of reasons.
Ohio Northern University
Similar to Michigan State University, Ohio Northern University is also a private university with a combined enrollment of more than 100,000 students. The school was founded in 1869 and has seen rapid growth in the past 50 years.
The average age of a student at Ohio Northern is now 43 years old, which is also slightly younger than the American average of 41.5 years old. But there’s also no question that the school has seen an increase in popularity in the past decade or so, as more and more people are choosing to attend the school.
The school has also seen an increase in applications in recent years, with an average of 3,500 more applications being filed each year. The school also has complete programs for students to choose from, including a Bachelor of Arts degree, Master of Business administration program, and Master of Science degree in marketing.
Penn State University
Pennsylvania State University is also known as Pitzer College and is one of the oldest institutions of higher education in the United States. Established in 1891, Pitzer offers a variety of degrees, including a Bachelor of Arts in English, a Master of Arts in English Literature, and a Master of Science in Computer and Information Sciences.
The school has seen rapid growth over the years, as more and more students choose to attend the school.
The average age of a Penn State student is now 44 years old, which is also slightly younger than the average age for college students in general. It’s also not just the students who are looking for help in the arts and sciences—the students are also looking for mentors, who are often from the same industry as the student.
Princeton Institute of Arts and Sciences
Known for its advanced academic program, the Princeton Institute of Arts and Sciences is also a private university. Established in 1872, the school has seen rapid growth over the years, with an average of 26 new students being admitted each year.
The school also offers a Master of Arts in Social Work, as well as a Master of Architecture degree, as well as a variety of specializations. The average age of a Princeton student is now 40 years old, which is also slightly younger than the average age for college students in general.
It’s also not just the students who are looking for help in the arts and sciences—it’s also important to remember that the school also has a great support and counseling department, as well as extensive career and technical education programs.
Rice University
Another private school that has seen rapid growth over the years, Rice University also happens to be located in the South Asian region. The school was founded in 1887 and has seen an increase in popularity in the years since.
The average age of a Rice student is now 41 years old, which is also slightly younger than the average age for college students in general. But there’s no question that the school has also seen an increase in popularity in recent years, as more and more people are choosing to attend the school.
The school also offers a wide range of specializations, including Master of Business Planning, Master of Accounting, and Master of Leadership.
South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University also happens to be located in the South American country of South America. Established in 1945, the university is also known as the University of Northern Illinois, and is one of the largest HBCUs in the world.
The school has seen rapid growth in the years since, with an average of 25 new students being admitted each year. The school also has a diverse student body, with people of many different cultures, races, and religious backgrounds being attracted to the school.
The average age of a South Dakota State University student is now 41 years old, which is also slightly younger than the average age for college students in general. It’s also not just the students who are looking for help in the arts and sciences—it’s also important to remember that the school also offers a wide range of social and study opportunities, as well as offers extensive distance learning options through distance education.
At the end of the day, there are many different ways to pick a college, and many people will have a hard time choosing just one. The best part about choosing a college is that you can start planning for your future after high school.
Whether you choose a private university or an HBCU, you can make use of the resources available on the off-campus campus to help you make the most of your education. In the end, you’ll be glad you chose the right college for you.